January was a pretty cold month here in Charleston, SC and we even had SNOW!  The last time that we saw the white fluffy precipitation falling from the sky was in 2018.  I remember that very clearly as I had just returned from 6 weeks in the Bahamas fly fishing near Andros Island so it was quite the shock returning back to Charleston.   When we did have a few windows of good weather, the fly fishing for Redfish in the shallow estuaries was fantastic!  

Captain Braden Powell and FishWater Outfitters will mostly target Redfish in the shallow oyster bays and large mud flats throughout the marsh estruary around Charleston, SC.  

During the winter months, we like to have a couple different fly patterns on hand depending on the sunlight.  When it is bright blue skies and the sun is high, Captain Braden will usually be casting a lighter tan and white shrimp or baitfish imitation.  If there are clouds or the water is dirty due to recent winds, then black and purple are generally the flies colors of choice.  Whichevev colors or patterns that you decide to go with, casting the fly on the edges of the schools of Redfish is very important.  If at all possible, you want to cast to the side of the lead fish and about 2-3 feet past the Redfish and 2-3 feet in front of the lead fish.  This will allow the fly to be stripped across the front of the Redfish and hopefully, not spook the entire school of fish.

The Fly Fishing and light tackle fishing here in Charleston, SC should remain good and only get better as we continue into Spring.  The Redfish are going to continue to be schooled up in large numbers and provide some very good opportunities at sight fishing with a fly rod or light tackle spinning rod.

Contact Capatain Braden Powell with FishWater Outfitters to get on the books for your Charleston, SC fly fishing charter.

This is shallow-water sight fishing at its finest! Call with questions or book online for daily redfish fishing charters with Captain Braden Powell. Serving the entire Charleston area.

Charleston Fly Fishing & Light-Tackle charters